Women's Bible Study
Fall 2024-Spring 2025
Leviticus & Hebrews: The Necessity of the Cross
We’ve wrapped up our study for the spring. Check back here for information about our fall 2025 study at a later date.
View or download: Study Schedule & Outline | Learn more about the 3Deep Bible Study Method
1 John 1.7 The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, purifies us from all sin. Have you ever wondered why God demands blood to be shed as payment for our sin? This year, we will learn why as we study the book of Leviticus…a book of the Bible most people never study. But they should! Leviticus highlights the holiness of God and leaves us with a high view of God. In Leviticus 17.11, God sheds light on the reason for the blood sacrifice. He says, For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.
Joining our study of Leviticus is a book that frequently references Leviticus: Hebrews. About the shedding of blood, Hebrews 9.22 backs up Leviticus, saying …without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. Only a blood sacrifice can pay the price for our sin. Nothing else can satisfy God’s wrath. This is why Jesus Christ willingly went to the Cross on our behalf. As we study the costliness of his perfect sacrifice, our souls will cry out again and again: “Hallelujah! What a Savior!”
Weekly lessons are provided free of charge, and weekly lectures are presented live on Wednesday mornings. The podcast is posted on Tuesdays and the lecture videos are posted on the CPC website on Wednesday afternoons.
Learn more abut our 3Deep Bible Study Method
View or Download: Study Outline and Schedule (PDF)
We’ve wrapped up our study for the spring. Check back here for information about our fall 2025 study.
Small group discussion of the lesson and lecture is offered at the following times:
Wednesdays, from 9:30-11 am (lunch served at 11 am)
Online Study Wednesdays, from 1:30-2:30 pm
Lessons & Laughter will meet on Wednesdays at 12 pm.
On Wednesdays, we offer an enhanced children’s Bible study focusing on the truths of the women’s weekly lessons. Childcare will be provided through lunch, until 12:00. Women are encouraged to stay for lunch to develop deeper relationships with one another while your children eat lunch with their friends. Childcare is provided for children in 5th grade and under. If you have a homeschool student older than 5th grade, please contact Angela Ikard at [email protected] for details about our homeschool room.