Sunday School

Sundays 10 AM- 10:45 AM

Summer 2024 Sunday School Classes

The following Sunday morning classes are open to all adults this summer. 

The Secret of Contentment

Roger Wernette, Main Building Room 211

All of us struggle with contentment at some time in our life. We want to enjoy the fact that Jesus has saved us for an eternity with him, but in the midst of our physical lives, we can only see the problems that are before us. In his excellent book, The Secret of Contentment, PCA pastor William Barclay discusses how we can remember the truth of our eternal destiny and return to the contentment we all desire. Barclay uses passages from Philippians as the foundation of his book. This is not a verse-by-verse study of Philippians, but Barclay refers to the life of Paul as he wrote his letter to believers at Philippi. The class will read and discuss the book.

Theology & Life | Rejoice in the Lord: Paul’s Letter to the Philippians by Steven Lawson

Dan Tidwell & Dave Garber, Main Building Room 212

The class will finish Dr. Lawson’s excellent teachings from Philippians this summer. Even if you have not been with us during this series, you can join us at any time and still be a part of the class. From beginning to end, the Christian life is an invitation to experience the joy of the Lord. To know Jesus is to encounter joy in its purest form. The world can neither give joy nor take it away. Indeed, those who know Jesus can experience vibrant joy even on the darkest of days. This is certainly true of the Apostle Paul, who penned his most joyful letter from the drab environment of his jail cell. In this teaching series, Dr. Steven J. Lawson takes a detailed look at Philippians, Paul’s epistle of joy. Join us on this journey and discover, verse by verse, how the joy of the Lord can transform your life. 

Meet the Reformers

Erik O’Dell, Main Building Room 213

We will look at the lives and thoughts of some of the most influential men who pioneered and advanced the cause of the Protestant Reformation during the 16th and 17th centuries. Each of the reformers will receive a 2-part treatment wherein we look first at their biography, and then read and discuss excerpts from their most prominent writings. Some of the reformers to be surveyed will be Martin Luther (2 weeks), John Calvin (2 weeks), Guillaume (William) Farel, Ulrich Zwingli, and John Knox. This class will be a great primer for the upcoming Church History class in the Fall.

The Life of Joseph

Marcelo Jakubovic, Room 214

During the summer series, we will explore the life of Joseph, the son of Jacob. Joseph’s story is found in the Book of Genesis, spanning from Genesis 37 to Genesis 50. The narrative of Joseph’s story is filled with highs and lows, twists and turns, pits and valleys, but through it all, God is sovereignly working the plan of redemption of his people. Some key themes that we will look at during this series are Divine Providence, Faithfulness, Forgiveness, Leadership & Wisdom, and Reconciliation & Restoration, among others.

ESL Class: The Gospel of Mark

Rev. Axel Sotelo, SonRise Chapel

During the summer we will continue studying the Gospel of Mark where Jesus the mighty Messiah and Son of God obediently suffers as the Servant of the Lord to pay the ransom price for sins, and as a model of suffering and sacrifice for his disciples to follow.

Estaremos estudiando el Evangelio de Marcos donde Jesús, el poderoso Mesías e Hijo de Dios, sufre obedientemente como el Siervo del Señor para pagar el precio del rescate por los pecados, y como un modelo de sufrimiento y sacrificio para que lo sigan sus discípulos.