Sunday School

Sundays 10 AM- 10:45 AM

Fall 2024 Sunday School Classes

You’re invited to join a class Sundays at 10:00 am!

Women’s Book Study: Counterfeit Gods

Stephanie Greene, SonRise 201/203

Ladies, join us on Sunday mornings for our discussion of Counterfeit Gods by Tim Keller.


Ron Horgan and Scott Brown, SonRise 202

Off to a strong start, something happened in the church at Galatia, something terribly wrong. “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you into the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel. . .” How could this happen? What different gospel? Is it really a gospel at all? How do we examine ourselves day by day to ensure it won’t happen to us? Join Scott Brown and Ron Horgan as we study this important letter from Paul and apply it to our own lives and culture.

Christ’s Wisdom in Proverbs

Bob Roane, SonRise 204

Jesus taught that all the Old Testament Scriptures point to him and that the Spirit of Christ moved the writers to write all that they did. God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) made Solomon very wise, but Jesus said that he was greater than Solomon in every way. In Proverbs, Jesus helps us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Christ gave us the Proverbs and walked according to them himself. Now after his sinless life, atoning death, and powerful resurrection, Jesus is alive forever to help us to follow him in paths of righteousness. He is our Wonderful Counselor who came to save us and make us Christ-like.

ESL Class: Galatians

Axel Sotelo, SonRise Chapel

We will be studying Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians and focusing on the doctrine of justification by faith, and how this does not include works of the law. In other words, that God justifies the sinner by grace alone. Galatians is perhaps best-known for Paul’s fiery defense of the gospel. The churches that he planted in and around Galatia were departing from the gospel and were on a dangerous path of apostasy. In this letter, Paul is like a distressed parent who cries out to stop a child from heading into a busy street, knowing that the child’s life is in great danger. In the case of the Galatians, however, the dangers are far greater than physical harm or even death; the stakes are high—apostasy and its eternal consequences.

The Epistles of Peter

Roger Wernette, Main Building Room 211

The world we live in is chaotic and disturbing (just flip on TV or drive on the freeway). How are we as Christians supposed to live in a world that does not embrace Jesus as its Savior and Lord? Where is our hope? Peter walked with Jesus during the entire length of Jesus’ ministry. Peter heard Jesus teach and saw the miracles that Jesus performed. A study of the letters of Peter will help us to identify who we are and what we should be doing. The class will focus on an interactive and application-oriented study. We will get to know I & II Peter while we also get to know each other.

Theology & Life | Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan

Dan Tidwell, Dave Garber, Main Building Room 212

The story chronicles the epic adventure of a man named Christian who leaves his home in the City of Destruction and begins a life-long quest to the Celestial City. Set against the backdrop of a hazardous journey, this powerful drama unfolds as Christian’s adventures lead him into fascinating lands and encounters with people who either help or hinder his progress along a narrow way. With a gallery of memorable characters and visits to colorful places, Bunyan’s allegory describes one man’s extraordinary adventure on his journey to faith. From a reformed perspective, we will be taking a deep dive into this historical allegory using a video series by Derek Thomas, as well as other videos, writings, study guides and commentaries of authors that have studied this work extensively including John Musselman, Alan Vermilye, Robert McGuire. We will not only study Christian’s journey, but also delve into background foundations in political history, church history and John Bunyan’s life. The series will run about 24 weeks.

Church History: A Guided Tour

Erik O’Dell, Main Building Room 213

It has been over 2,000 years since Jesus Christ ascended into the heavens and sent his Holy Spirit to establish his bride, the Church. A lot has happened since, and even today, we are shaped and influenced by the people and ideas that came before us. As Sinclair Ferguson puts it, “The story of the church is important for Christians to know, for it contains rich and uplifting stories of God’s dealings with his people.” Our history also includes some lessons to be learned so that we do not repeat dangerous errors. This engaging study through twenty centuries of church history will explore the people, places, and ideas that impact us even today so we can better discern what we ought to carry into the next generation and what we should avoid. The lessons will include biographies of key figures, descriptions of key events and ideas, and discussions about the impacts of both. This series is designed to be a fun, engaging, and practical exploration of our story.

Young Adults: The Parables of the Kingdom of God Taught by Jesus

Marcelo Jakubovic, Main Building Room 214

What do Jesus’ parables mean? We often struggle as much as the first disciples to understand the meaning of these stories that play a prominent part in Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels. These short and memorable stories search our hearts, help us understand the nature of the kingdom of God, and point us to the King of kings, our Lord Jesus Christ. As pastor Richard Phillips put it, “the parables confront our worldliness with the searching perspective of heaven — all the while deepening our understanding of salvation and the priorities of Christ our King.” In this series, we will explore Jesus’ parables of the sower, the mustard seed, the great banquet, the returning king and many more.