Tumaini Information

Tumaini Children's Village Concept

“Tumaini” is the Swahili word for hope. Because of the eternal hope Christians have in Christ, Christ Presbyterian Church seeks to bring hope to orphans in Kenya and raise the next generation of Christian leaders in Kenya through Tumaini Children’s Village.

Tumaini Orphanage is based on the biblical model of a Christian family. Each orphan at Tumaini lives as a child of one of six families at the orphanage. Each family lives in its own home and is led by a married Kenyan Christian husband and wife who are the house parents. Each family has six girls and six boys including the biological children of the house parents. Each house has three bedrooms and three bathrooms; there is one each for the boys, girls, and house parents. All the house fathers are encouraged to hold jobs outside the orphanage as well as be a father model to the children.  The house fathers also do their share of work at the orphanage.

There are forty-two tribes in Kenya, and we strive to bring hope to orphans of many Kenyan tribes. We want to help the children come to know the truth of the Bible, the Gospel and to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We want them to know that as Christians, their identity is in Christ and not in the tribe into which they were born.

Our History

The idea for the Tumaini Orphanage came from some of our church members who had worked with other orphanages in Kenya and elsewhere. In mid-2007 the Session of Christ Presbyterian Church in Houston, Texas allocated funds to build the Tumaini Orphanage from money the Lord had provided the church. Over fourteen acres of land were acquired in western Kenya near the town of Soy and construction began in 2008. The orphanage began operation in mid-2010 and is dedicated to raising the next generation of Christian leaders for Kenya and Africa.

Our Families

We have six families each with their own house. Each family consists of six girls and six boys including the house parents’ biological children. In 2022, fifty of our children are now away from the orphanage most of the time attending high schools, universities, and vocational-technical schools. They return home to the orphanage during their school breaks.

Our School

The Tumaini School is located on the orphanage campus and provides education for children from Early Childhood Development education through the eighth grade. Sixty-eight of our orphans and eighteen of the house parents’ biological children are enrolled in the school along with almost 240 children from the surrounding community and almost fifty boarding students. The parents of the children who do not live at Tumaini are pay tuition which is used to offset the cost of operating the school. Thanks to the quality of our teachers, we have won many awards including” best primary school” in our region of Kenya.