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Women’s Retreat

March 28 - March 30

Ladies, please join us for our Women’s Retreat at Camp Allen during the weekend of March 28-30! You will not want to miss this opportunity to study and discuss the Word of God together, deepen friendships with other women in our church, and enjoy some rest and relaxation. We will spend Friday evening through Sunday morning at Camp Allen and check out in time to attend worship together at CPC on Sunday morning at 11:00 am.

About the Speaker:
We are excited to welcome Sarah Morris as our retreat speaker. Sarah lives in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and is a member of Covenant Presbyterian Church, PCA where her husband is the associate pastor. Sarah is a graduate of Grove City College where she studied classical music and piano performance. She and Sean have been married for 14 years and have been blessed with four children. In between homeschooling, changing diapers, and endless grocery runs, Sarah enjoys writing, podcasting, cooking, and naps.

Location: Camp Allen, 18800 FM 362, Navasota, TX 77868
Cost: $150
Scholarships are available. Please contact Alicia Harris for more information.

A Video Message from Our Retreat Speaker, Sarah Morris

Sarah will share messages on the topic
Don’t Just Show Up – Belong:
How to survive, grow, and thrive
in the often dysfunctional family that is the Church

Session 1 – What are we even doing here?
What is the Church supposed to be doing? What is her purpose? What is the point? And how do we fit it? Are we resigned to endless nursery duty and casseroles? Our church believes in male-only ordination and elder-led authority, so do women even matter? Where do we find our place, our purpose, and our identity in the Church?

Session 2 – Lord, it’s these people you gave me!
Okay, so I know what I’m supposed to do, and why I’m supposed to do it. The theoretical vision is there; I’m tracking. But do I really have to work with her? How am I supposed to deal with him? Why are reformed Presbyterians so incredibly off-the-charts weird?! Lord, you gave me a church family, but couldn’t You have chosen different people? Why them?!?

Session 3 – When Christians don’t act like Christians
So the Bride of Christ has been acting a bit more like a bridezilla, and you’re collateral damage. What next? How are you supposed to love the Church when its people have hurt you so deeply? You want to heal, but you’re growing more and more bitter, suspicious, and angry. Is there any justice? Is there any hope for such a dysfunctional group of people? Is forgiveness possible, and do they even deserve it?

Of these topics, Sarah writes, “These questions in all three sessions are hard, complicated, and sensitive issues. There are no easy answers, simple fixes, or quick solutions. But that’s family relationships for you, right? The Bible isn’t silent about any of these things, and our Savior calls us to great heights of love, patience, and forgiveness. But He also is full of grace and compassion, and His mercies are blessedly new every morning.”

Register Today!
Please register for this special time together using the button above.


March 28
March 30
Event Categories:


Houston, United States