Please join the family of Christ Presbyterian Church for our Holy Week worship services and events.
Easter Lilies: To purchase and dedicate Easter lilies please visit 2025 Easter Lilies
Palm Sunday | April 13
8:30 am Worship Service 10:00-10:50 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship Service 12:15 pm Palm Sunday Picnic
Children of all ages are invited to process in with palms and sing a hymn at the beginning of the 11:00 worship service.
Maundy Thursday | April 17
7:00 pm Worship Service & Communion
Maundy comes from the Latin word mandatum, which is the first word of the phrase “A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another, as I have loved you,” spoken by Jesus to his disciples in the upper room.
This is a full worship service with communion, as we remember Jesus sharing the Last Supper with his disciples before his betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion.
Childcare for kindergarten and younger will be provided.
Good Friday | April 18
7:00 pm Tenebrae Service
Before there was the bright glow of Easter, there was darkening…a time when events and situations worked deviously to a glorious end; a time when Jesus’ disciples were confounded and confused, when the darkness seemed to win. And yet, during those days…even then…God the Father worked his will.
The church has observed this service of Tenebrae (Latin meaning the darkening) in some form since the 12th century. This quiet service of word and song acknowledges, once again, the love that Jesus has for us and what he would subject himself to for our benefit.
Childcare for kindergarten and younger will be provided.
Easter Sunday | April 20
7:00 am Sunrise Service in the Chapel 9:00 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary 11:00 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary
There will be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday. Children’s Church will be held at the 9 & 11 am services.