Children's Ministry

CPC exists to make disciples who love Christ, his Word and his Church through the ordinary means of grace. This includes our youngest members! Our goal is for children to feel warmly welcomed, to develop friendships within our church community, and to grow in their knowledge and understanding of the gospel. Through all things, including Bible instruction, singing, prayer, and fellowship with one another, we want our children to taste and see that the Lord is good!  

The Children’s Ministry uses “Show Me Jesus” Sunday School curriculum published by Great Commission Publications. This is a graded Bible curriculum that teaches children to know and understand the great story of God’s redeeming work though his Son Jesus Christ. Each year children hear stories from both the Old and the New Testaments. Bible instruction, singing, prayer, scripture memory work, follow-up activities, and discussions are a part of every Sunday School class time at every age and grade level. 

We have a place prepared for you and your children. 


Our nursery is open for children younger than 2 for both worship services and Sunday school.


Preschool rooms are available for children older than 2 through 5 years old.  You can choose whether your child is in the classroom the entire worship service or begins worship with you in the sanctuary and leaves during the Doxology for preschool Children’s Church.

Grade School

First through fifth graders are welcome to remain in the worship service or leave during the Doxology for grade school Children’s Church.

Children’s Church

Children’s church is provided during both services, at 8:30 and 11:00.  Sunday school classes meet at 10 a.m. and all children are invited to attend their age or grade level class.  We invite you and your children to join us on Sunday for worship and Sunday school.  We would love to meet you and welcome you into the CPC community! 

Questions? Contact Children’s Ministry Director, Angela Ikard.